Thursday, September 11, 2014

Day 619: Will the Sun Ever Shine Again?

As we reach yet another September 11, the United States continues to remember those lost 13 years ago. Surprisingly enough, I didn't blog about September 11 at all last year, and I honestly have no idea why other than the fact that a year ago I was in the middle of a huge argument with one of my friends about Disney, and we all know you don't argue about Disney with me.

But today we are going to talk a little bit about September 11. Not a lot, but a little. I was what? Five at the time? Somewhere in there. I remember very little aside from coming home from school and seeing it on the television when I came into my parents' bedroom. I didn't understand what was going on at all. Beyond that I think most of what I remember is through other people.

One of my college friends reminded me of a touching Disney reference to September 11 though. He's a big Alan Menken, and in honor of September 11 he posted a link to the song "Will the Sun Ever Shine Again" from the Disney film Home on the Range. I didn't really know the story behind the song until he told me about it though, and once he mentioned it I just had to write a blog post on it.

My friend talked about how when writing the song, Menken was reminded of the pain he and the rest of America felt after the two towers fell, so take a listen to the song as we all remember September 11, 2001.

Have a magical day and always remember September 11. 

(Note: This blog post was written on September 14).

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