Saturday, March 16, 2013

Day 75: Shopping Trip

Every once in a very great while I have a chance to go shopping. I don't go very often since I am pretty busy generally, but when I do go, my best friend and I plan it for weeks. We know what we're looking for and where we will be going and exactly when we will be leaving home long before the day actually arrives. Luckily though, today was that day.

I had a few things I was really looking for on this trip. First off I needed to find a new pencil skirt for my upcoming state FBLA competition. Second I wanted to find a pair of yellow converse. Third, I wanted to get some clothes that make it easier to Disneybound. Up until today I've been pretty limited with who I can Disneybound as, since my closet is filled with pretty much the same two or three, blue and more black. It's partly because my favorite color is blue and most of the shirts from our high school are black, but still. It makes it pretty difficult.

So  headed out and I ended up finding quite a few things that I can Disneybound with for very little. Ok, not very little, but the only thing I bought full price was my converse, and if you ask me that's pretty good!

You'll see more of what I bought in the coming days as I start to wear it, but I'd like to mention that I also found these and thought they were cute. Hey, this blog is about how Disney appears in my everyday life, right? There's a great example!

Here's today's Disney History: 1923: Animator, designer, Imagineer and Disney Legend Joyce Carlson is born in Racine, Wisconsin. Her 56 years at Disney include creating the original "It's a Small World" for the New York World's Fair of 1964. Carlson first worked as an ink artist on films such as Cinderella  Peter Pan and Sleeping Beauty and later as the lead ink artist for the 1955 Disney Classic Lady and the Tramp. Carlson moved to Central Florida in 1982 to work at Disney World as a senior show production designer. She retired from her full-time position at WDW in 2000, but remained working for Disney through 2007. Carlson's Disney World window, which is on the second floor of a structure along Main Street U.S.A, reading "Dolls by Miss Joyce, Dollmaker for the World."

Have a magical day!

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