Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Day 85: It's in a movie!

The other day I mentioned how my friend showed me a blog and I knew right away that one of the pictures was in Impressions de France. Well, something similar happened today.

I was going through the news when I came across a picture from President Obama's trip to the Mideast, where he ended his travels at  Petra. So there's this picture...

Quite honestly I did not notice our president as much as I noticed what was behind him. When I see things like this my brain immedietaly goes on a mission to figure out if it's correct or not. So I opened a new tab and began typing in "Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade." To anyone who doesn't spend a lot of time with me this is probably an interesting to watch, how I'll be reading and then suddenly launch into a frenzy of internet searches. 

I was right though...Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade...look familiar?

And that's what I did this morning. 

The other Harrison Ford related thing that happened this morning was in Jazz Band...well, more so at the end of it. I was playing an alto feature that my group did earlier in the year, in which I played the solo part, Harlem Nocturne. My band director decided I wasn't playing it angry and sad and emotional enough...it's too pretty he said. So then we launched into a conversation about Harlem and the Civil Rights movement, and he asked if  had heard about the new Jackie Robinson movie that's coming out soon. I was like, "No" at first, but then eventually realized that this would be a movie about baseball and promptly asked what the name of the film was. "42," of course...that stars Harrison Ford. It's how I determine if I know about a movie or not. Who's all in it. Also, apparently despite the fact that Harrison Ford is starring in this film, he really doesn't like movies about baseball. I read that in an article just the other day and found it quite amusing. 

Here's today's Disney History: 1827: Ludwig van Beethoven, perhaps the most famous German composer of classical music, passes away in Austria at the age of 57. His Symphony No. 6 in F major (also known as the Pastoral Symphony and completed in 1808) can be heard in the Pastoral Symphony segment of Disney's 1940 Fantasia. 

Have a magical day!

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