Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Day 975: Magic in the Air

If you watch my YouTube videos, you might already know about this one, and I've definitely mentioned him before here on Everyday Disney, but if you're a Disney fan who loves YouTube and you're not watching MrCheezyPop, you're missing out! You may know him from his famous Pumpkin Spice "Shake It Up" parody, or maybe you saw him on the Lizzie Bennett Diaries, but either way, he's a Disney YouTube Personality and now he's got a great new song out in honor of the 60th Anniversary of Disneyland!

I won't even lie, I've definitely listened to the song on repeat more than once, and several of those views on YouTube are probably from me alone, much less my friends who are also MrCheezyPop fans. If you love the song, it's avaliable for purchase so you can listen to it anytime, anywhere, but the video as a whole brings me right back to Disneyland, especially with the sense of community. That's a lot of what Disneyland is about, and it's something I'll miss until I finally make my way back. 

Until then I'll just have to watch more of Max's videos! 

Have a magical day!

(Note: This Blog Post Was Written on September 24 due to a tight schedule).

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