Friday, May 16, 2014


It's honestly funny how quickly a year can pass by without you knowing it. Thinking back to 2013, I wasn't halfway done with a year on this blog yet, I was still in High School and I most certainly did not have a year of college under my belt. But now I do, and it's weird how much things change. How much you change.

I remember at the beginning of the year saying that I didn't want to change too much. I still wanted to have this blog, I wanted to keep my friends close, keep the high school band a part of my life, especially when it came to the Disney trip. I wanted to make new friends and everything at college, sure, but for the most part in my mind, it was just another year of school. How silly of me to think that it would work that way. People are always going to tell you (this is some advise for seniors in high school right here) that college is going to change you. You'll go in as one person, and after less than a year, you'll be someone totally different. You'll try to deny it with all your heart but don't, because you'll be a better person because of it.

But how exactly has my life changed in the last year? Some things are really obvious, like Once. A year ago it was just one of my favorite shows and now it makes up a good portion of my life. My friends and I refer to each other as "mates" now, and for some reason I've adapted "Bloody Hell" into my day to day language, plus I regularly send my friends memes or GIFs of Once characters basically explaining my life. They're entertaining to say the least. Like this one:

And while I love that one, it's not even my favorite of all of them. There are plenty more where that came from. Either way, I didn't expect to find stuff like that on my phone a year ago. Star Wars maybe, but not Once. Never Once. And now thanks to it I have a constant, something to always look forward to, new friends, and a lot of great memories. 

I went back and read a couple of posts from last year around this same time, specifically from graduation, and it's interesting because I guess I still kind of feel the same way I did then. I love college, don't get me wrong, but I miss my senior year a lot. I was very happy, surrounded by people I love and care about, and I'm never going to be able to repay for the wonderful opportunity I'm given right now, to be able to march with the band once again this summer. It means the world to me, especially when things just keep changing. I mean, moving into a room for a year and then moving out and then into a different room four months later just gets a bit overwhelming if you ask me. 

But that's how life is. It keeps changing, and all we can do is keep moving forward. 

Have a magical day!

(Note: This blog post was written on May 22 due to finals).

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