Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Day 428: Frozen is an Open Door

It hasn't even been a month since my last YouTube video post, which was Let It Parody, but there are just so many wonderful Frozen parodies out there right now that I couldn't NOT include this! Plus, with Frozen passing the $1 billion mark in the box office (second animated film to do so, seventh $1 billion film for Disney, and the first film in four years to stay in the box office top 10 for all 14 weeks of its theater run), PLUS those Oscars the other night, gosh! This is just great!

So here are some more of my favorite Frozen themed videos on YouTube! And boy are there a lot of them! Never before have I done not just one but TWO YouTube video posts on ONE FILM! Just goes to show how brilliant Frozen is!

Google Translate "Let It Go"

This viral video has started a whole new trend on YouTube, putting things into Google Translate. This parody is hilarious, plus she's doing more (there's already one for "Part of Your World" from The Little Mermaid too!). I really don't think she should "give up" on this idea! 

Let It Go & Vivaldi's Winter - The Piano Guys

It can't be a parody party without The Piano Guys! Seriously these people are like half the reason I want to learn how to play Cello, and one just can't go on YouTube without seeing at least one of their spectacular parodies. My personal favorite? Cello Wars. 

Frozen - A Musical

Did you really think this wouldn't happen? AVbyte does it again, this time featuring Elsa with the other Disney Princesses! I've shared their other Princess Musicals before too, and while the original is still my favorite, it's kind of hard not to like this! 

When It's NOT OKAY to Sing "Let it Go"

Shovell sent me this one and it's just hilarious. I mean, while there are a lot of times in life when we should "let things go" there are also a lot of times when letting go is just a really, really bad idea. Warning, this video may produce some feels. 

Let It Go - Alex Boye

My friend Jessica would be furious if I didn't include this one, because this parody is her favorite of all the Frozen ones out there. If you DO follow Piano Guys, you'll remember Alex Boye from their "Paradise" video a while back, but this one seriously does blow most other parodies of Let it Go away. I mean, with 22+ million videos, who can argue? 

Let it Go - Jimmy Fallon, Idina Menzel & The Roots

It's not really a secret anymore that this happened last night, and it was awesome. Plus, Idina Menzel is awesome. Just...awesome. I think this is probably my favorite of the parodies so far...then again it DOES have Idina in it so it's like a half parody and I personally love the original the best...sooooo....yeah. 

That's about it in this round though. Gosh, that brings us up to like 10 Frozen videos already. 10! Who knows what will happen next, because I'm sure these videos won't stop, not with everything going on and the DVD release just weeks away! 

Have a magical day!

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