Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Day 729: 2014

A year ago (literally to the day) I had this obnoxious idea that it might be fun to go back and see how many words I wrote for the entirety of 2013, and then do some searches for some keywords to see how many times certain things were posted. It took FOREVER to complete that blog post.

And I decided to do it again.

Just as last year, let's start out by looking at the number of words from each month. I've also included the totals from last year in italics:

January: 18,135 Words (13,637 Words)
February: 17,371 Words (8,679 Words)
March: 17,072 Words (15,162 Words)
April: 17,176 Words (14,709 Words)
May: 14,797 Words (16,948 Words)
June: 18,488 Words (17,237 Words)
July: 17,606 Words (17,710 Words)
August: 11,857 Words (17,366 Words)
September: 12,633 Words (19,109 Words)
October: 19,481 Words (20,741 Words)
November: 15,930 Words (24,406 Words)
December: 13,655 Words (20,299 Words)

Total: 194,201 Words

These numbers sometimes include "Have a magical day," and sometimes they don't. They do not include title names or dates, but they may include make-up post information. Honestly I'm not 100% sure, but I tried to keep it pretty much the same throughout. I used a different system to total all of this this time around, so it's a little fuzzy around the edges.

And then, using the same list of keywords from last year (with a few additions which are marked with a star), I've got the 2014 totals:

Disney (w/o Walt Disney/Walt Disney World/Everyday Disney):1400
Colin O'Donoghue (located by searching for "Colin"): 103
Emma Swan (Emma): 90
Hook: 195
Once Upon A Time (OUAT): 200
CaptainSwan: 40
*Jennifer Morrison (JMo): 55
*Twitter: 47
*Instagram: 78
Harrison Ford: 59
Star Wars: 50
Han Solo: 21
Indiana Jones: 19
*Frozen: 137
Epcot: 131
Spaceship Earth: 86
College: 127
Walt Disney: 31
(Walt) Disney World (WDW): 249
Everyday Disney: 41

I didn't calculate how many pictures and videos there were, simply because that's the part that took a really long time last year and I know for a fact that there were plenty of posts with plenty of pictures throughout 2014.

So, comparatively to 2014, things have been a bit crazier, but 2015 is sure to bring more adventures, and let's just stop talking about them and begin doing!

Have a magical day!

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