Monday, December 30, 2013

Day 364: 2013

And here's part two of the end of the year posts. Really this one should go after the other one, but it just didn't work out schedule wise, so here we go. It's taken me hours and hours on end to total and tally all of this stuff up, and in order to technically have the numbers correct I have to finish this post before I can finalize the numbers. Because I want this post to include absolutely everything from the entire year.

So, let's start out by looking at the number of words from each month. You'll see the statistics by month and then overall.

January: 13,637 Words (0 Disney History)
February: 8,679 Words (973 Disney History)
March: 15,162 Words (1,688 Disney History)
April: 14,709 Words (1,690 Disney History)
May: 16,948 Words (1,543 Disney History)
June: 17,237 Words (1,559 Disney History)
July: 17,710 Words (1,608 Disney History)
August: 17,366 Words (1,385 Disney History)
September: 19109 Words (1,419 Disney History)
October: 20,741 Words (1,556 Disney History)
November: 24,406 Words (1,418 Disney History)
December: 20,299 Words (1,652 Disney History)

And then I went through and looked at some of the keywords from the entire year. My best friend and I came up with a list of the ones I probably used the most, or at least were the most interesting or funny.

Disney (w/o Walt Disney/Walt Disney World/Everyday Disney): 2,329
Colin O'Donoghue: 12
Emma Swan: 170
Hook: 213
Once Upon a Time (OUAT): 93
CaptainSwan: 37
Harrison Ford: 70
Star Wars: 211
Han Solo: 61
Epcot: 195
Spaceship Earth: 124
College: 214
Walt Disney: 142
Indiana Jones: 70
Walt Disney World (WDW): 211
Everyday Disney: 33

And then I calculated all the different pictures from each month on various fronts. For instance, Overall I had 803 pictures, although there might be a couple of them that are doubled. I mean, I didn't count Frumpstagram pictures or my Once Disneybounds more than once. Of those 803 pictures, 177 of them were from my Instagram account, 57 were movie posters, 50 were of Harrison Ford, 71 had to do with Star Wars, 108 were from Once Upon a Time, 171 were of Walt Disney World, and 25 at Disneyland. Throughout the year I also had 119 videos, most of which were from Youtube.

Of all the posts, 245 of them had at least one picture, 73 without any pictures at all and 47 of them had no pictures, but at least one Youtube video.

Overall, I think it's been a pretty good year, don't you think? Now to finish up this post so I can make the final counts and publish this post, which will, ultimately, be the last post I publish in 2013. Crazy, I know. But I think I'm ready for a new adventure once 2014 comes around. =)

Here's today's Disney History: 1980: The longest-running series in prime time television history, The Wonderful World of Disney, is canceled (on NBC) after more than 25 years on the air.

Have a magical day!

(Note: This blog post was written on December 31 due to obvious reasons).

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